
If I had recently gotten the COVID Vaccine, Can I get my eyebrows done?

• Because the vaccine is still very new and we don't know the side effects and reaction it might have with permanent makeup as it is still considered an open wound and foreign substances are entering the body, the vaccine might try to fight it and cause an allergic reaction.
• We suggest you reschedule your appointment or book 2 weeks after you are getting your vaccine. 

Is Powder Ombre the right technique for me?

• If you are someone who has zero natural eyebrows, the Powder Ombré technique is best suited and recommended. It is also best for those with oily skin. If you have almost none to zero natural eyebrow hairs, getting microbladed will just end up looking like lines on your face. Microblading is also not recommended for those who have oily skin as the oil and sebum in your skin causes the hair stroke lines to become blur in a matter of months, which will require more touch-ups. 
• It is a great option for those who wear less make up but desire the filled in eyebrow look.
• Powder ombre can look natural too. It's not always fake and drawn on. 
• Great for all skin types (dry, oily, combination) especially those with oily skin complexion. 
• This technique is less invasive to the skin as we graze the surface of the skin, where Microblading cuts into the skin which can possible scar the skin.

How long does Powder Ombre last?

• Although this is a permanent tattoo, this still do fade overtime. With the first touch up done, it should last anywhere from 1-3 years. The longevity of your tattoo depends on your skin type, style chosen, and your lifestyle (skin care routines, tanning, chemical peels, after care, etc).
• It is not meant to be no maintenance at all, but low maintenance.
• Those who have more oily skin may require a more frequent touch up. 
• Improper aftercare can affect  the results and the retention.
• Uneven pigmentation can happen and this is resulted from poor healing, infection, bleeding and many other causes. The follow up appointment can correct any uneven appearance.
• Generally, the results are excellent. However, a perfect result is not a realistic expectation after an initial application.  Some may not need a touch up as it is optional, but we do recommend 2 sessions to achieve optimal desired results. However in certain cases a third session may be needed with its corresponding fee. Touch up is recommended 5 weeks after the initial session.
• Final results cannot be guaranteed as each individuals skin type is unique and holds pigments differently.  Some may require more touch up sessions than others.

It is your responsibility to book any touch up appointments. 

How long does it take to heal?

• It can take up to 2 weeks to heal but it varies per person. Some take longer than others and some may peel within a week. 
• Our skin takes about 4-5 weeks to fully completely healed.  This is why touchup is only recommended after 5 weeks of initial appointment.
• Those with oily skin may peel faster.
• Please DO NOT pick at it as you will pick off the pigment. The scabbing is completely normal. Once the scab falls off naturally, your brows will first look foggy then it will appear darker and your brows will be fuller giving it a more natural look within a few weeks.   
• Proper aftercare  is an extremely important aspect as this can affect the overall  results of your new powder ombre tattoo. You must follow the after care instructions provided to you to achieve the best possible results.

What to expect during the healing process

• Lymph fluids in the first day  - keep blotting every hour with a paper towel.
• Your brows will be very dark in the next 4 days onwards until they have completely peeled.
• Scabbing is normal - not heavy crusting (make sure you blot the lymph and wash with water only) 
• Brows will be very dry itchy (apply light ointment when needed)
• Brows will look like they have  absolutely no colour when the scabs come off.
• Everyones healing time is different so don't compare yourself to others.
• Once they have all peeled, the colour may seem fuzzy but they will resurface over the next few weeks.

Results are contingent on the following factors: post procedure aftercare, skin type (dry, oily, sun-damaged, thick or thin skin),  and lifestyle preferences (e.g. exercise, alcohol consumption and smoking).

  • Following the treatment, swelling and redness of the skin is completely normal and will subside within 1-2 days. Those with sensitive skin may experience excessive swelling and take longer to subside.

  • Brand new pigment from a fresh tattoo will appear darker and much thicker than expected - this is normal as pigment oxidizes.

  • During the healing phase, the brows will start to scab and peel off in certain places. This process is called shedding. Comparatively, these sections may appear extremely light next to the non-shedded areas. Don’t freak, this pigment will eventually soften and settle into the appropriate shade when shedding is complete and pigment resurfaces.

  • Brows will appear 30 to 40% lighter within 7-14 days and shrink 10%.

  • In total, it should take about 3-4 weeks for your new eyebrow pigment to resurface to its true color. Please be patient with the process.

  • Some skin types retain color better than others, so we cannot guarantee a precise effect or color.

  • Touch up is not mandatory but it is highly recommended.

  • Our skin takes 5-6 weeks to completely heal so that is when it is recommended to get a touch up

With proper follow-through on the aftercare instruction, it is normal to see small scabs, which is the top layers of skin peeling off. The tattooed area is a healing wound, so aftercare is critical. FAILURE TO FOLLOW AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN PIGMENT LOSS & VERY PATCHY BROWS!

How long is the procedure itself?

• The first initial session can take up anywhere from 3.5-4 hours as this includes consultation, photos/videos, brow mapping, numbing and the procedure itself so plan accordingly.  Don't rush your artist.
• Make sure to eat something before your appointment.  No bringing drinks / food or eating inside studio.

Is it painful?

• Everyone has a different response to pain. This is a cosmetic tattoo that uses a needle so discomfort and mild pain is expected.
• If you are extremely sensitive and have a strong fear of needles, this cosmetic procedure is not good for you.
• Pain level has been reported by my clients around 4-6 / 10. You may take Tylenol 1 an hour before your PMU appointment.
• We do outline your brows first without any numbing cream in order for the skin to be open and numbing to work. (This may take about 2 minutes or so)
• We apply topical numbing only on open skin throughout the process to alleviate any discomfort and make it more comfortable for you but there can still be pain as anesthetics work better on some people than others.
• You may feel sore after the procedure when the numbing cream wears off but it isn't unbearable. 
• The great thing is that there is no severe swelling, but the skin around the eyebrows will be slightly red which only lasts about a day. There is no downtime needed as you can go to work / school right after.

PLEASE NOTE: Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure.  It increases pain sensitivity.  If you are a frequent smoker, the topical anesthetics used during the treatment will not last as long. If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure. 


The shape is determined by the clients natural facial structure, existing brow hair, as well as their personal makeup preference. The shape must be agreed upon by both the artist and client before proceeding with the tattoo.

Is it possible that I may not retain any pigment at all?

Yes. This does and can happen to some. We cannot predict how skin reacts and heals.  Often times, a third appointment is required at the so we can review the work and see what adjustments need to be made.

Some clients skin may react to trauma of the tattoo and skin may try to push out the foreign body of the pigment by producing extreme scabbing, so the pigment will eventually disappear with the scabbing. There is a condition called Pigment Allergy (PPD Allergy, a condition known by dermatologist) or Auto Immune Disease symptoms (client may not even be aware of it). The skin would have over-reacted and become super sensitive to the pigment and will reject it once skin heals.

Every clients skin is different and healing varies per client, this service is never guaranteed and more than 1 or 2 touchups may be required at the clients expense.

How do I preserve my tattoo once healed?

• Benzoyl Peroxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Glycolic acid, Apple cider vinegar, Vitamin E and C, and retinols that can be found in Anti-aging / skin lightening/ skin brightening / acne products must be kept away from the tattooed area as continued use could deteriorate the pigment resulting in a bleached out color.
• Wear Sunscreen after brows have been healed (after 4 weeks) Exposure to the sun over time can cause premature fading and discoloration of the pigment. You can wear large sunglasses and a hat for further protection.
• Rinse and dry the area thoroughly when in contact with chlorine or salt water as this also fades pigment.
• If you are having laser resurfacing or laser hair removal after your tattoo has healed, please inform the laser technician. Continue at your own discretion. Laser procedures may darken, lighten, or discolor the tattooed area.
• This treatment does fade after 1-3 years depending on your skin and lifestyle. Touch-ups will be necessary for maintenance.
• If you are a smoker, have oily skin, an iron deficiency, or a very strong immune system, your pigment will not last as long as others

Is it really necessary for touch ups?

• This will depend on your preference. The first appointment is about structure, design, and building a layer of layer of pigment for a very natural look and a more defined shape.
• Do not expect perfection after one session.
• Touch up is optional but is recommended after 5 weeks. During touch up is when we can fix any areas that may not have healed properly or patchy (if needed)
• If you are opting for a bolder, more filled-in look, or need more layering for dimension, then a touch-up is recommended to layer more pigment into your skin
• Some may need a 3rd session to complete the process. Especially if you have little to no hair to begin with, have scar tissue, oily skin type, didn’t follow aftercare properly, or we are trying to cover up an old tattoo.
• After you have completed your perfecting sessions, it is recommended that you should wait until after one year to go over the area again. Even if it has faded before one year, you can fill in with makeup and wait at least a full year before coming back. We want to keep the skins integrity.

Why are touchups necessary and why are they not included IN PRICE?

Skin is unpredictable. Skin is not perfect. Even if we apply the perfect amount of ink, perfect shape, everything, there is always a chance that YOUR skin does not want to cooperate and fully retain the ink. The immediate touchup after the first session is always recommended to perfect any areas that faded, to make minor adjustments to color or shape, and to saturate the skin with more ink so the effects last longer and the long term fadeout is more even. It is optional for you because not everyone may need a touch up after the first initial session. Sometimes the brows heal beautifully after the first session, and the client wants to wait longer to get the touchup. This is up to you, which is why the touchups for brows require a separate fee according to how long you’ve waited. The longer you wait, the more the touch up costs.

What if I have previous tattoo done?

• If you previously had any sort of work done on your eyebrows whether it is powder ombré or micoblading, you must consult before and get approved before booking an appointment. You can book a free consultation.
• Any previous work whether it is 2 years ago or 10 years ago, it will still be considered  correction and correction fees apply as additional work and pigment are used.
• Correction work is more difficult and there is no guarantee that an ombré can be achieved as the goal of this correction is to cover the old tattoo by neutralizing any discoloration and to reshape the brows. 
• Those who have previous tattoo may require more touch up sessions to get the desired results as skin that has been worked on can take longer due to previous scarring and pigment already present.
• This may not work for everyone as not all work can be corrected. It must be at least 80% faded for us to perform a correction. 
• Please be realistic when getting your eyebrows done as we can't always get your desired shape due to your previous tattoo unless you get a removal.
Results cannot be  guaranteed.

Additionally, we also offer non-laser tattoo removal  for those brows that are too saturated to correct using Li-Ft,  which is an all-natural saline pigment removal solution. Li-FT contains no chemicals and no acids. 

Li-FT Ingredients: Sterile Water, Sea Salt, Orange Flower Extract, Lemon Extract in Water, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Calendula Extract, Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate

Li-FT is made by Li Pigments. a highly credentialed, inspected and licensed cosmetics manufacturing lab located in New Jersey, USA. Li Pigments has been researching, developing and formulating tattoo and permanent makeup lightening products for over 15 years and regarded as one of the industry's most experienced, ethical and responsible manufacturers.

Please send 2-3 clear photos of your full face and bare brows to to ensure your brows can be worked on. (left brow, right brow, and center with both brows)

Photo submissions must be free of any makeup, filters, taken in good lighting, and clear in quality.

What to expect about the procedure

We will be working together to customize and create a shape that suits your facial structures and to your liking. Please do keep in mind that human faces are naturally asymmetrical. Some clients have a stronger brow muscle on one side than the other.

We ask all clients to carefully examine and approve the predraw before we go ahead with the tattoo procedure. Results may vary depending on the clients skin, lifestyle, age, sun exposures, diet, health, and compliance with precare and aftercare.

1. CONSULTATION: This consists of filling out the consent forms, choosing the colour that best suits your skin tone and colour of your natural brow hair, as well as mapping the brow and designing a shape that frames your facial bone structure and features.

2. THE OUTLINING: After you are 100% satisfied with the brow shape and size from brow mapping, we will then proceed with the outlining of the brow. This is done without any numbing in order to open the skin first.

3. APPLYING TOPICAL NUMBING CREAM: A 5% topical numbing cream will be applied directly onto the brows for 15-20 minutes. 

4. TATTOO PROCESS: Once the eyebrows have been numbed, the tattoo process begins one brow at a time until the desired colour is achieved. Numbing gel is applied between each time to ensure you are comfortable and not in pain. All tools are disposable one time use and in sterilized packages. 100% vegan pigment used.

5. COMPLETION: Once the tattoo process has completed, we will clean the brows and measure them again to ensure they are symmetrical. Ointment will be applied. (Ointment will also be provided along with an aftercare instruction for you to take home)  Photos /Videos will also be taken after 

How do I know your equipment is clean?

We take our health and safety very seriously.

We always wear new disposable gloves while working each client and all of our equipment is disinfected with Preempt Wipes which are hospital grade cleaners. Our needles are pre sterilized, sealed, packaged and only opened right before starting the procedure. These needles are single used for one procedure and properly disposed in a safe sharps container after every client.

Our trays, beds, and other instruments are covered with disposable wraps and will be disinfected with pre empt spray and wipes after every client.

Those tools that are not disposable will be washed and soaked in Barbicide.