
How does it work?

This removal process is by a tattoo machine or a manual tool using a natural salt solution working on the theory of osmosis. A high concentration of salt water is deposited into the dermis where the pigment is.

When a high concentration of salt water is introduced to the dermis where unwanted pigment is, the process of osmosis begins. Water in the cells beneath the pigment contain lower amounts of salt, so water will rise to the area with higher concentrations of salt. Pigment from the dermal layer of the skin will be forced to rise up to the epidermis due to osmotic pressure. Again, this pressure is caused by differences between concentrations of dissolved salt.

The risen unwanted pigment will become trapped in a scab The treated skin forms a dried out scab during healing and during treatments, you’ll see the scab containing some of old pigment once it falls off naturally.

Some released pigment particles may be expelled by the body through the lymphatic system, similar to the way the body expels of shattered pigment fragments from laser removal.


When is saline removal the best solution?

If your previous tattoo / microlading is:

  • too dark

  • too thick

  • improper placement

  • too much asymmetry

Saline removal is the most gentle form of removal.

How many sessions will it take?

The amount of session varies per person and is unpredictable depending on how old the previous tattoo is, the previous artists technique, pigments/ink used, how deep the previous was, how many sessions were done on them. It can take anywhere from 1 - 6 sessions to reach the desired results. It can take more sessions with oily skin and less sessions with dry skin. If all aftercare are followed perfectly, that can bring better results in fewer sessions.

Some may require more sessions than others. Price seen on service is PER session.

It is critical that clients follow all aftercare instructions to prevent complications, scarring, and to achieve optimum results. I will provide you a very thorough aftercare sheet to follow after our appointment. Remember - results cannot be foreseen, predicted or guaranteed, but can be optimized by your care.

How long before I can get another session?

Our skin takes about 5-6 weeks to fully heal completely so it is recommended to wait 8 weeks before doing another session and nothing earlier. It is important to be integrity of the skin. No exceptions
We will ask you to come in at a 4 week mark to analyze how your brows are and will book a second session from there (4 weeks from then total of 8 weeks)

What if I don’t see any difference after one session of removal?

There can be times where the first 2 sessions can have little difference but this doesn’t mean it is not working. This lightening solution is a long process and will require a lot of patience but it is worth it.

Do I need to remove the entire brow?

In many cases, only a percentage of the pigment needs to be lightened/removed before we can begin a cover-up / color correction. In the cases where we have pigment misplaced or in an unwanted area, color correcting will not be an option and removing as much of the pigment as possible will be our ultimate goal.

Depending on where the unwanted tattoo is, we can go ahead and correct your eyebrows (if possible), wait for them to completely heal and then spot remove the unwanted tattoo after.

If I hate my eyebrows after the procedure, can I get them removed?

Yes. If the tattoo procedure was done within 48 hours, we can do an emergency lightening procedure with a soak of the Li-FT. The skin has not fully formed its crust a this point and can easily absorb the Li-FT solution. This is done without the use of needles as skin was just worked on. We will use a warm compress.

What are the risks involved with Saline Tattoo removal?

  • Scarring

  • Hyperpigmentation (is a condition in which patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin. This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin, the brown pigment that produces normal skin color, forms deposits in the skin. It can affect all skin types with the darker skin types being more prone)

  • Hypopigmentation (refers to patches of skin that are lighter than your overall skin tone. Hypo-pigmentation can be caused by certain chronic conditions, injury or trauma. Hypo-pigmentation can affect all skin types.)

If post-inflammatory pigmentation occurs, it is from the trauma of the needle, and not caused by the saline solution itself. PIP can occur with all forms of removal.

Fitzpatrick Skin Types 4-6 clients should come in for a patch test in an inconspicuous area, such as behind the ear. We will then open the client's skin, and apply the saline solution for 10 minutes, clean the area then advise the client to come back in 6 weeks to see if any PIP (post-inflammatory pigmentation) has occurred.

These may or may not happen but it is a possibility. They can be temporary depending on each persons skin. We cannot guarantee or promise.

What is the difference between Laser Removal and Saline Tattoo removal?

  1. Laser hair removal - is a common form of removal. Laser can be more painful as it produces a short pulse of intense light that penetrates deep into the skin. With this technique, the ink/pigment is absorbed into the body and is then removed through its lymphatic system. Laser removal can also potentially scar and no longer accept pigment meaning it may not be possible to get permanent makeup service done on that area.

  2. Saline removal - uses a safe salt solution that forces pigment up into the surface of the skin vs pushing it in with laser.

What to expect after the procedure?

Expect your skin/area of procedure to be very swollen, red and possible bleeding. Keep the area clean and DO NOT TOUCH WITH DIRTY HANDS.

Please review the Aftercare Instructions to ensure the best results.